Copyright 2023

...frequently asked questions

Who is NRE?
The initials NRE are an acronym for the National Real Estate Exchange, a corporation founded in 1974 to provide dial-up computer capabilities into a central mainframe datacenter to a network of commercial and investment brokers which numbered over 400 offices in 45 states and Canada during the middle and late 1970's. It was the predecessor to NREsystems.

Then what happened?
In 1981, IBM introduced the PC and the computer revolution lunged forward full-steam. Everyone wanted their own computer even though there was hardly any software available in the early days. Remember 'VisiCalc' or 'Lotus 1-2-3'? Initial emphasis was on software to serve a single user on a single computer.

But then came networking...and the Internet!
And the race was on! Microsoft, Intel, Netscape and AOL, then Google, Bing, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter became household buzz words. ISP's, 56K dial-up, then DSL and Cable connections, scanners, huge hard drives, SSD's, WiFi, lightning-fast multi-core CPU's and a website on every corner, so to speak, brought a change much akin to the industrial revolution...but on even a larger scale!

What is NRE's Internet Marketing System?
Well before the advent of the PC, NRE had developed the concept of, and software for, identifying potential multi-party transactions based upon pertinent information contained in a centralized data base. The Internet now provides the vehicle by which participants can take advantage of NRE's computer resources in real time, and at virtually no incremental cost.

So IMS is an acronym for Internet Marketing System?
That's exactly right. MLS's (Multiple Listing Systems) have been around for a long time, but now there's another player on the block - NRE/IMS. The times, they be a changin'!

What's the difference between NRE's IMS and an MLS?
NRE's IMS is an active marketing system. An MLS is more of a passive listing system. NRE's IMS data banks contain information which enables the computer to structure complete transactions dynamically, and immediately determine if they are economically feasible. MLS data banks contain information which enables the computer to give back information on individual listings to users in response to their inquiries. Some MLS's have 'advanced' to the extent of even emailing prospective buyers to advertise potential properties that may be of interest to them.

What makes NRE's IMS so powerful?
Back in school you might remember having been exposed to permutations and combinations. Well, quite simply and as an example, with 500 listings in the NRE Internet Marketing System, there are over six trillion, that's SIX TRILLION possible ways to put them together in 2-way, 3-way, 4-way, and 5-way transactions! Think of it as a gigantic marketing session where every possible combination is examined in the blink of a virtual eye to see if it will work.

How many potential transactions in my own office?
See how many potential transactions there are in your own office, or group of offices right now if you'd like by clicking compute potential transactions.

Who can participate?
Participation in NRE's Internet Marketing System (IMS) is available to licensed real estate brokerage offices and their agents who subscribe to a code of ethics designed to insure the highest standards of professionalism and integrity.

What computing equipment do I need?
You probably have everything you need right now - a PC or laptop with internet access. That's it!

What is the cost?
As we get this started, fees for charter subscribers will be very friendly - a one-time installation and setup fee, then a small monthly fee for each participating office. No listing submittal or technical support (via email or text) fees are contemplated, nor are any commissions on closed transaction. NRE/IMS for its hands-on assistance as a 'transaction broker' if requested, may earn a mutually-agreed-upon fee. To view proposed charges click here.

How do I get started?
If you qualify, you can sign up to participate right here online. Your office needs to be signed up first, and then its agents can sign up. You can do both online by clicking registration.

Why do you need such detailed information?
NRE acts as the 'control tower,' so to speak, when complex transactions need someone to coordinate a lot of activity by a number of people. The NRE computers, when transactions are structured, generate specific instructions for 'Agent-A' to expect a call from 'Agent-B' and to send information on 'Property-1' to 'Agent-C.' The 'greeting' field, for example, is used so that the computers can address correspondence to 'Mr. Jones' or 'Ms. Smith' and refer to 'his client' or 'her prospective buyer' or 'their office phone number,' etc. All of the information asked for is used only in the administration of the NRE/IMS system, and is not made available to anyone outside the system.

What if I'm a property owner and my property is NOT listed with a broker, and I want it marketed in the NRE/IMS system?
The NRE Internet Marketing System is available only through participating licensed real estate brokers and their agents. Please contact NRE for the names and addresses of participating brokers in your area.

OK, what if my property IS listed with a broker, and I want it marketed in the NRE/IMS system?
If your broker is already signed up as a participating broker in the NRE Internet Marketing System, it is a simple process for that office to submit information on your property and get the initial marketing results instantly. If your broker is not signed up as a participating NRE/IMS broker, they probably ought to be!

What if I'm a prospective buyer and want access to properties in the NRE/IMS system?
Same rules apply. Access to the NRE Internet Marketing System is available only through participating licensed real estate brokers and their agents. Please contact NRE for the names and addresses of participating brokers in your area.

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